Collection: Our Story || Our Mission
Brave Bella
Bella is a childhood cancer survivor proving that she can defy the odds and accomplish her dreams! She originally launched Brave Bella’s Bead Co. to save up money for braces. But, since her launch, Bella has already surpassed her financial goal and wants to continue making bracelets for her community and beyond. Her bracelets are now shipped across the world!
Our Mission
When Bella was 2 years old, she was diagnosed with a rare cancer called retinoblastoma- an eye cancer that impacts only 200 to 300 children a year. Within a week of her diagnosis, doctors removed her right eye – where the cancerous tumors were located – and gave her a prosthetic eye. Bella has been cancer-free since and has gained national recognition for persistence, hence why she is known as “Brave Bella.” Her bracelet designs are largely inspired by her faith. Bella’s faith has driven her to remain persistent through so many obstacles. She regularly goes to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for check-ups. Her story has inspired other children, with cancer to keep moving forward. "You can do ANYTHING!" Bella tells everyone. "No matter what you go through in life, never give up on your dreams, or let someone tell you you CAN'T do something!" A portion of sales from all Brave Bella bracelets goes to childhood cancer awareness and research! Being able to give back to the hospital that saved Bella's life and also raise awareness for childhood cancer is the heart of Brave Bella's Bead Co. And Bella is so thankful for the support from her community and people from all over the country!
"Never give up! God is still writing your story and you can trust Him! My favorite scripture is Romans 8:28 (And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.) He can take everything bad and turn it around for good. That's what He's done for me, and He can do it for you too! Thank you to everyone for supporting Brave Bella's Bead Co. Together, we are going to make an impact!"